German Works Council Training in English




Module I

Introduction to the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG) 

Duties, responsibilities and obligations of the Works Council

Works Council administration, invitations, minutes of meetings, correct decision-making procedures


Module II

Co-determination rights in terms of § 87 BetrVG

Staff matters § 92-105 BetrVG

Participation rights § 80 BetrVG

Important federal labour court (BAG) rulings


Module III

Key aspects of German labour law e.g. working time law

Conciliation Board procedures

Co-determination, participation and information rights


All training material is provided in English including a translated PDF copy of the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG). Module III also includes one copy of "Key aspects of German Employment and Labour Law" by Kirchner, Kremp and Magotsch"

Contact us today on an individual inhouse training conducted either online or on location!