German Works Council Training in English




Module I

Introduction to the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG) 

Duties, responsibilities and obligations of the Works Council

Works Council administration, invitations, minutes of meetings, correct decision-making procedures


Module II

Co-determination rights in terms of § 87 BetrVG

Staff matters § 92-105 BetrVG

Participation rights § 80 BetrVG

Important federal labour court (BAG) rulings


Module III

Key aspects of German labour law e.g. working time law

Conciliation Board procedures

Co-determination, participation and information rights


All training material is provided in English including a translated PDF copy of the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG). Module III also includes one copy of "Key aspects of German Employment and Labour Law" by Kirchner, Kremp and Magotsch"

Contact us today on an individual inhouse training conducted either online or on location!





TurningOfCircleThe Turning of the Circle: Embracing Nature's Wisdom for Purposeful Living

Based on the tenet that all creation is in a continuous process of transition,
the Chinese teaching of the Five Elements 
sees "seasonal changes" as a principle of life.
All living beings interact, adapt and change on a continuous, evolutionary cycle.

The opportunity lies in finding balance and harmony when the tide of change is at its peak.

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Cover3DHow to train yourself to be conscious and aware so that any walk anywhere can become a journey of self-development and spiritual renewal. 

In following the footsteps of medieval pilgrims on ancient paths, countless modern-day seekers have rediscovered purpose and meaning. Reino Gevers reveals why deep walking is one of the best and most underrated forms of exercise, boosting the quality of life on many levels. In taking time out for mindful walking, senses are opened to the whispers of the universe, realigning body and mind in a world of distraction. Religion and spirituality take on a whole new meaning. Within Deep Walking, Reino tells the stories of pilgrims “walking off” old emotional baggage. The shadow is part of the walking-alone-experience that gradually cracks open the doorway to the soul. The emotional shift becomes part of the deep walking experience.

The book is available as a softcover or kindle on Amazon and all places where good books are sold.                                                                                                                              

Corporate Health 

We are seeing a worrisome trend in several countries. Some of the most talented people and high potentials in a company are affected by burnout, depression or mental and physical exhaustion.  With an effective corporate health policy in place early preventive measures can be taken. Our consultancy is focused on:

  • Organisational measures that make corporate health a key cost-cutting factor.
  • Personal health mentoring of management and other key players.
  • Incentives for staff taking part in health programmes.
  • Analysis of causal factors responsible for high absentee figures.
  • Implementing measures that emphasize a culture of human respect and value.

Our bilingual international team is based near the northern German port city of Hamburg. Our workshops and trainings are held in both English and German. With access to a large pool of trainers we can tailor inhouse courses targeted to specific customer needs and preferences.


Works Council Trainings

We conduct trainings in English on all aspects of the Geman Works Constitution Act (BetrVG), focusing especially on the unique co-determination andparticipation rights. Please do not hesitate to call us. We can conduct these trainings both online or on location and can make you an offer tailored to your needs.


Mentoring, motivational, inter-cultural and other trainings in English

Our multi-national and well travelled-team is very experienced and feels at home in North America, Europe and southern Africa. We provide inter-cultural and Business English crash courses that make you feel comfortable when doing business in a foreign country or dealing with foreign business partners. Many of our trainings in Germany take place in English including trainings on German labour law. We can also provide assistance for experienced professionals relocating to Germany.